Money Aviation

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A Mooney Airplane Company é uma fabricante de aviões dos Estados Unidos. A Mooney foi líder na aviação civil, mesmo quando a companhia faliu e nas muitas vezes em que mudou de proprietário. Entre seus feitos está o primeiro avião a pistão monomotor pressurizado (M22 Mustang), o primeiro avião a atingir 201 mph (323 km/h) a 200 hp (320 km/h a 150 kW) (M20J 201) e o voo intercontinental em um monomotor a pistão mais rápido (M20K 231).

Missão: Para prestar o melhor serviço possível, em todos os aspectos de compra, venda e terceirização de todas as aeronaves, tanto localmente e no exterior.


Produtos e Serviços

Especializada na venda de: Helicópteros, Asa fixa, Jets e turboélice. Os serviços adicionais oferecidos: Financiamento
Seguro, Serviço pós-venda e suporte, Registro CAA e Importações.



On 8 October 2013, it was announced that the company had been purchased by Soaring America Corporation

A new California-based company headed by President Cheng Yuan (Jerry Chen) of Taiwan, for an undisclosed amount. Chen heads a group of Chinese investors that some reports indicate include the Meijing Group, a Chinese real-estate developer. Chen indicated his priorities included resuming production of the Acclaim and the Ovation, while continuing to supply parts for the existing fleet. Chen stated the company would remain in Kerrville, and concentrate on supplying new aircraft for the Chinese market. Paul Bertorelli, AVweb's Editorial Director, Aviation Publications, questioned whether the outdated and expensive-to-produce Mooney models, that use engines burning avgas, can succeed in the Chinese market. With the injection of capital from its new Chinese owners, the company restarted production on 26 February 2014, starting with the completion of five previously incomplete airframes already on the assembly line. In April 2014 at Sun n Fun, the company announced a US$50M investment, including the construction of a Mooney museum in Kerrville to be run by a new nonprofit organization. With production underway, 85 employees were at work, with the workforce forecast to expand to 140 by the end of 2014. CEO Chen stated the company would deliver six aircraft in 2014 and 30 in 2015. In January 2015 the first aircraft, a Mooney M20TN, was delivered to a customer in China. The aircraft was shipped disassembled and then assembled and test flown in Zhengzhou, China. Fonte: Two new Mooney models were announced on 11 November 2014. The Mooney M10T and the M10J are fixed gear composite aircraft powered by Continental’s CD-135 and CD-155 Diesel engines. The M10 series certification and deliveries are expected to begin in 2017.

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  • Mooney Aviation Company
    165 Al Mooney Rd
    Kerrville, TX 78028
    Estados Unidos
  • T: +27 (0) 11 465 8187
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